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Testing sensors

Via the Dagster UI


Before you test: Test evaluations of sensors run the sensor's underlying Python function, meaning that any side effects contained within that sensor's function may be executed.

In the UI, you can manually trigger a test evaluation of a sensor and view the results.

  1. Click Overview > Sensors.

  2. Click the sensor you want to test.

  3. Click the Preview tick result button, located near the top right corner of the page.

    Test sensor button

  4. You'll be prompted to provide a cursor value (optional). You can use the existing cursor for the sensor (which will be prepopulated) or enter a different value. If you're not using cursors, leave this field blank.

    Cursor value field

  5. Click Continue to fire the sensor. A window containing the result of the evaluation will display, whether it's run requests, a skip reason, or a Python error:

    Evaluation result page

  6. If the preview was successful, then for each produced run request, you can view the run config and tags produced by that run request by clicking the button in the Actions column.

    Actions page in the Dagster UI

  7. Click the Launch all & commit tick result on the bottom right to launch all the run requests. It will launch the runs and link to the /runs page filtered to the IDs of the runs that launched.

    Runs page after launching all runs in the Dagster UI